Deputy Prime Minister Nguyen Thien Nhan receives AES Chairman

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Deputy PM Nguyễn Thiện Nhân said he highly valued US group AES and its partner’s investments in the US $2-billion 1,240 MW power plant  in Quảng Ninh Province.

Deputy PM Nguyễn Thiện Nhân and Mr. Paul Hanrahan, Chairman and CEO of US Group AES

Deputy PM Nguyễn Thiện Nhân and Mr. Paul Hanrahan, Chairman and CEO of US Group AES

Mr. Nhân received AES Chairman and CEO Paul Hanrahan on September 15, on the occasion of his visit to Việt Nam to attend the ground-breaking ceremony of the Mông Dương 2 Thermoelectric Plant in Quảng Ninh which is slated for September 16.

The Deputy PM said the US firm should ensure construction progress and use of environmentally friendly technologies in the plant.

Mr. Hanrahan said AES and its partner, Posco Power from the Republic of Korea, will make the power plant a shining example of foreign-invested projects in Việt Nam and a significant project in the power sector.

Oncer completed, Mông Dương 2 will be the first coal-fuelled thermoelectric plant built in the mode of BOT (Build-Operate-Transfer). It will have 25-year electricity and coal purchase contracts guaranteed by the Vietnamese Government.

AES is interested in thermoelectric, hydroelectric and wind power generation in Việt Nam and Mông Dương 2 is its first investment in the field.

The US firm currently owns and operates 121 power plants with a total capacity of some 44,000 MW in 27 countries.

By Ngọc Vân(ChinhPhu)

(Theo website Nguyễn Thiện Nhân)

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